Visit Veridis at Kunststoffenbeurs 2024!

  • Deeper Material Insights: 250 temperature sensors provide a more detailed picture of complex plastic compositions.
  • Double the Accuracy: Down to 1% precision for flake samples, ensuring top-quality recycled materials.
  • 3x Faster Analysis: Analyse samples in 1-2 hours compared to the T-30’s 6 hours, boosting productivity.
  • User-Friendly Design: Active cooling and nitrogen flush simplify operation and integration into your existing processes.

Exclusive Try and Buy Program

Interested in experiencing the power of MADSCAN® firsthand? We’re offering a limited-time Try and Buy of MADSCAN® at the event. Visit us at stand 13 to learn more and secure your spot!

Don’t Miss Our Informative Presentations at the Event:

Veridis is also hosting two insightful presentations during the event:

Day 1:

  • 11:00-11:25, Room 1: “Blackwashing Project: Tackling Challenges in Recycled Plastic Quality” by Marie-José Wolters (Veridis) and Robin Beishuizen (The Compound Company).

Day 2:

  • 14:00-14:25, Room 1: “Revolutionizing Plastic Recycling Quality Measurement with MADSCAN®” by Floris Gerritsen (Veridis CTO) and Mathijs Kuil (Veridis Business Developer).

Save the Date and Register Today!

Join us at Kunststoffenbeurs 2024 and be part of shaping the future of sustainable plastic recycling. Register for the event (Registration Link) and stay tuned for more updates.

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Want to learn more about Veridis and our innovative solutions?